Can An 82 Year Old Get Life Insurance?

Many seniors might wonder if obtaining life insurance coverage at 82 is possible, and the answer is yes. Life insurance for seniors, even those in their 80s, can provide essential financial protection for loved ones or help cover final expenses. As people continue to live longer, it’s crucial to understand the various life insurance options available for older individuals.

At the age of 82, the most common option for life insurance is a whole or guaranteed issue policy. These policies tend to have smaller coverage amounts, typically from $2,000 to $50,000, but can still be beneficial for covering funeral costs and other related expenses. It’s essential to shop around and compare different life insurance companies to find the best fit for an individual’s unique circumstances and budget.

In addition, underwriting and pre-existing health conditions may affect the cost and availability of life insurance plans. Insurers may require a medical examination, or at least a review of medical records, to determine the individual’s health status and eligibility. However, guaranteed issue policies do not require a medical exam, making them a possible choice for seniors with pre-existing health issues.

Key Takeaways

  • Life insurance is available for 82-year-olds, including whole or guaranteed issue policies.
  • Costs and coverage vary, so comparing different life insurance companies and options is essential.
  • Seniors should consider their health status and pre-existing conditions during the application process.

Reasons To Consider Life Insurance at 82

There are several reasons why an 82-year-old might consider obtaining a life insurance policy, despite concerns about age, health, and policy availability. Here, we discuss the key factors to consider when considering seniors’ life insurance.

Funeral Expenses: Funerals can be expensive and may burden the surviving family members financially. A life insurance policy can alleviate this burden by covering the funeral costs. For seniors in their 80s, Fidelity Life offers a RAPID ecision® Senior Whole Life policy, providing between $10,000 and $150,000 in coverage.

Income Replacement: Sometimes, older adults may still work or financially support a spouse, child, or other family members. A life insurance policy can provide income replacement in the event of the policyholder’s death, ensuring that dependents are taken care of financially.

Chronic Health Conditions: Seniors with poor or chronic health conditions may consider life insurance a financial safety net. By obtaining a policy, they can help their loved ones cover any medical expenses or long-term care costs that may arise.

To further illustrate the significance of these three factors, let’s consider a table outlining the respective costs and benefits:

Funeral ExpensesImportant to relieve financial burden on surviving family members$10,000 – $150,0001
Income ReplacementEssential for seniors who still financially support a spouse, child, or other dependentsDependent on policy amount and individual needs
Chronic Health ConditionsFinancial safety net for those with poor health or chronic conditionsDependent on policy amount and medical expenses

In conclusion, obtaining a life insurance policy at 82 can provide numerous benefits. It’s essential to weigh the importance of these factors and choose a policy that best suits the individual’s needs and circumstances.


  1. RAPID ecision® Senior Whole Life by Fidelity Life

Life Insurance Options for 82-Year-Olds

It is still possible to obtain life insurance coverage at age 82. While some types of policies may not be available, several options are tailored to meet the needs of seniors at this age. The primary types of life insurance for seniors include whole life, term life, universal life, and final expense insurance.

Type of InsuranceDescriptionAvailability for 82-Year-Olds
Whole Life InsuranceOffers coverage for a specified term, usually 10-20 years, with the death benefit paid to beneficiaries if the insured dies within the term.Limited options
Term Life InsuranceA type of permanent life insurance allows the policyholder to invest the policy’s cash value in investment sub-accounts, subject to market fluctuation.Rarely available
Universal Life InsuranceA type of permanent life insurance that combines aspects of whole life and term life, offering flexibility in premium payments, death benefits, and cash value growth.Limited options
Guaranteed Universal LifeA subset of universal life insurance that guarantees a death benefit up to a specified age, often with more affordable premiums than whole life.Limited options
Variable Life InsuranceOffers coverage for a specified term, usually 10-20 years, with the death benefit, paid to beneficiaries if the insured dies within the term.Generally not available
Final Expense InsuranceA small whole life insurance policy designed to cover funeral and burial expenses for the policyholder.Widely available

Whole life and universal life insurance options may be limited for individuals over 82. However, some companies offer permanent life insurance plans for seniors up to age 85, with varying coverage depending on the provider and individual circumstances.

Term life insurance is typically difficult to find for seniors over 80, as most policies offered are for 10 or 20-year terms and are more suitable for younger individuals.

Final expense insurance is the most widely available option for 82-year-olds, as it does not require a medical exam and covers funeral and burial expenses, which can be increasingly expensive.

It is important for seniors to carefully consider their life insurance options and select the best coverage to meet their needs and financial situation. Talking with a professional insurance or financial advisor may help you navigate the different options and make an informed decision.

Underwriting & Pre-existing Conditions

Regarding life insurance for an 82-year-old, underwriting and pre-existing conditions are crucial in determining eligibility and policy rates. The underwriting process involves thoroughly evaluating an individual’s medical history, current health status, and other factors to assess the potential risks associated with issuing a life insurance policy.

Some common pre-existing conditions that can make obtaining life insurance more challenging include cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. However, options like simplified issue and guaranteed issue life insurance policies may be available for those with pre-existing conditions, providing coverage without a medical exam or with limited medical questions.

Life Insurance OptionMedical Exam RequiredCovers Pre-existing Conditions
Traditional PolicyYesDepends on underwriting
Simplified IssueNoLimited
Guaranteed IssueNoYes, subject to waiting period

Simplified issue life insurance policies do not require a medical exam but may still inquire about certain health issues during the application process. This type of policy could be suitable for an 82-year-old with some pre-existing conditions, though coverage and premiums may vary depending on the individual’s health status.

On the other hand, guaranteed life insurance ensures coverage without any medical exam or health questions. This type of policy is ideal for individuals with more severe health issues or terminal illnesses. Remember that guaranteed issue policies often have graded death benefits, meaning the full payout may only be available after a specified waiting period, typically two years.

In conclusion, while there may be challenges due to underwriting and pre-existing conditions, it is still possible for an 82-year-old to obtain life insurance. Simplified issue and guaranteed issue policies can provide alternatives for those with health issues or who prefer to bypass a medical exam.

The Application Process

Due to age and potential health issues, applying for life insurance as an 82-year-old can be more challenging than for younger individuals. However, it is still possible for seniors to obtain coverage. The following table presents the main aspects of the application process that you need to consider:

Types of Life InsuranceAvailable options for seniors aged 82 are mostly whole life insurance, burial/final expense insurance, and universal life insurance.
Agent/Free QuoteIt is recommended to work with a qualified insurance agent who can help find the best rates and provide a free quote based on factors such as age, gender, and health status.
PremiumsPremiums for life insurance policies for seniors tend to be higher due to the increased risk of death and may vary depending on the policy type and coverage amount.
Medical ExamsSome insurance companies may require seniors to undergo a simplified medical exam or answer health-related questions. Others may offer no-medical-exam policies.
Insurance CompaniesThe application process can vary by company but generally includes filling out an application, answering health questions, and possibly undergoing a medical exam. If approved, policies can be issued in as little as a week.
Application TimelineIt is recommended to work with a qualified insurance agent who can help find the best rates and provide a free quote based on age, gender, and health status.

In summary, obtaining life insurance for an 82-year-old involves researching and comparing insurance companies, working with an agent to get a free quote, and considering the premiums based on the desired policy type and the coverage amount. While medical exams or health questions might be involved, there are also options for no-medical-exam policies. By understanding these aspects, seniors can make more informed decisions when applying for life insurance.

Top Life Insurance Companies For 82-Year-Olds

Life insurance for seniors, specifically 82-year-olds, can be challenging to find, but several reputable companies offer suitable policies. We have compiled a list of top life insurance providers for 82-year-olds, considering factors like premiums, coverage, and accessibility. These companies include New York Life, MassMutual, Northwestern Mutual, State Farm, and Quotacy.

Here is a comparison table of these companies:

CompanyType of InsuranceCoverage RangePremiumApplication Process
New York LifeWhole LifeVaries by policyVaries by policyOnline & Phone
MassMutualWhole Life & UniversalVaries by policyVaries by policyOnline & Phone
Northwestern MutualWhole Life & UniversalVaries by policyVaries by policyOnline & Phone
State FarmWhole LifeUp to $100,000Varies by policyOnline, Phone & Agent
QuotacyTerm Life$100,000 – $10,000,000Varies by policyOnline & Phone

New York Life offers whole life insurance policies tailored to seniors, with flexible coverage and premium options. MassMutual provides whole life and universal life insurance options, ensuring seniors have access to various coverage types.

Northwestern Mutual offers a wide range of whole and universal life insurance options, accommodating seniors who need different coverage levels or financial flexibility. State Farm issues whole life insurance policies to seniors up to $100,000, providing valuable final expense coverage.

Quotacy, an online insurance broker, focuses on term life insurance for seniors, offering policies ranging from $100,000 to $10,000,000. Quotacy connects seniors with the best-suited insurance provider based on age, health, and needs, streamlining the application process.

When choosing a life insurance company at age 82, it is essential to consider its reputation, policy options, application process, and premium costs. By comparing these top life insurance providers, seniors can make an informed decision and secure the most suitable coverage.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the best life insurance options for seniors over 80?

For seniors over 80, the best life insurance options include guaranteed issue whole life insurance and final expense insurance. Guaranteed issue policies are flexible regarding age eligibility, accept applicants up to 85 years old, and do not require a medical exam source. Final expense insurance is designed to cover funeral and burial costs and can provide a smaller coverage amount, making it more affordable for seniors.

Is no medical exam life insurance available for those above 80?

Yes, no-medical-exam life insurance is available for seniors above 80. Guaranteed acceptance policies and final expense insurance are two options that do not require a medical exam. However, applicants may need to answer health questions for certain policy sources.

How do term life insurance policies change after turning 80?

Term life insurance policies may be difficult to secure for seniors over 80. These policies are typically available in 10-or 20-year terms for individuals in their 60s and 70s, but options become limited beyond 80.

What are the coverage limits for life insurance policies for those over 85?

Policy TypeCoverage Limit
Guaranteed issueUp to 85 years
Final expenseVaries

Guaranteed issue whole life insurance policies generally cover applicants up to 85 years old. The coverage limits for final expense policies vary depending on the insurer and the specific policy source.

Does AARP offer life insurance for seniors above 80?

AARP offers permanent life insurance policies for its members up to 80. However, reviewing and comparing AARP’s policies with other insurers is important to determine the best coverage and premium rates for individual needs source.

Can life insurance policies be purchased for elderly parents?

Yes, adult children can purchase life insurance policies for their elderly parents. It is essential to obtain the parents’ permission and ensure an insurable interest, meaning the child’s financial well-being would be negatively affected by the parents’ passing source.

About Over 80