Can An 83 Year Old Get Life Insurance?

Life insurance may seem like an option no longer available when reaching the age of 83, but it is far from the truth. Seniors looking for financial security or aiming to leave an inheritance for their loved ones can benefit from life insurance options tailored to their specific needs. This article will explore the possibilities and options available for 83-year-olds seeking life insurance.

An 83-year-old individual may face challenges when searching for the right life insurance policy, but finding an appropriate plan with the right research is possible. Some providers specialize in life insurance options for seniors, offering plans designed with their unique requirements in mind. These policies, such as final expense insurance, can cover end-of-life expenses, easing the financial burden on loved ones during a difficult time.

Key Takeaways

  • Life insurance options are available for 83-year-olds, despite common misconceptions.
  • Final expense insurance is a popular option for seniors, covering end-of-life expenses
  • Researching and comparing available life insurance policies can lead to finding the right plan for an 83-year-old’s specific needs

Reasons To Consider Life Insurance at 83

Funeral and Burial Expenses

At the age of 83, one of the primary reasons to consider life insurance is to cover funeral and burial expenses. When a person passes away, their family may face significant costs associated with the final arrangements. A life insurance policy can provide death benefits that help cover these final expenses, easing the financial burden on loved ones.

Estate Taxes

Another reason to consider life insurance is to address estate taxes. Depending on the value of an individual’s estate, their heirs may face sizable tax obligations upon inheritance. A life insurance policy can provide financial support to help cover these estate taxes, ensuring the family’s financial stability is not compromised.


At age 83, a person may still have outstanding debt, such as mortgages, loans, or credit card balances. If these debts are not settled before the person passes away, their dependents might be responsible for repayment. A life insurance policy can offer death benefits that help alleviate these debt obligations and protect the financial well-being of the dependents.


Lastly, a life insurance policy can help an 83-year-old leave a legacy to their children, grandchildren, or even a favorite charity. The policy’s death benefits can provide the opportunity to leave a significant gift or make a substantial contribution to an organization that’s important to the policyholder.

Reason for InsuranceBenefit
Funeral & BurialCovers final expenses, easing financial burden on loved ones
Estate TaxesProvides financial support to cover taxes, ensuring stability
DebtAlleviates debt obligations and protects dependents’ well-being
LegacyAllows the policyholder to leave a lasting impact

Securing life insurance as an 83-year-old may be more challenging, but it can still be beneficial. It can help cover funeral and burial costs, estate taxes, and debt and allow individuals to leave a lasting legacy for their family or a cherished organization.

Life Insurance Options for 83-Year-Olds

At the age of 83, your options for life insurance may be limited. However, there are still a few viable choices available. In this section, we will discuss the main options for life insurance that seniors at this age can consider: Term Life Insurance and Final Expense Insurance.

Term Life Insurance

Term life insurance covers a specific period, typically 10-20 years. However, it may be quite challenging for someone aged 83 to secure a term life policy, as most insurers have age limits for this type of coverage. Find a company willing to offer term life insurance at this age. The premiums will likely be significantly higher due to the increased health risks associated with advanced age.

Final Expense Insurance

Final expense insurance, or burial or funeral insurance, is a more accessible option for seniors over 80. This type of policy is designed to cover funeral expenses and any remaining debts, such as medical bills and credit card debt. Final expense insurance generally falls under the whole life insurance category, meaning that it offers lifetime coverage and accumulates cash value over time.

Here’s a comparison of these two insurance options for 83-year-olds:

Type of InsuranceCoverage AmountHealth RequirementsAvailabilityLifetime CoverageCash Value Accumulation
Term Life InsuranceVaries based on policyTypically stricter for seniorsLimited availability for 83-year-oldsNoNo
Final Expense InsuranceGenerally $5,000-$25,000Less stringent, often no medical exam requiredWidely available for seniors over 80YesYes

Remember that your circumstances will affect your coverage options and premium rates. It’s essential to compare multiple offers from different insurance companies to find the policy that best suits your needs and budget. Also, disclose any pre-existing health conditions when applying for life insurance, which may affect your eligibility and rates.

The Application Process

Simplified Issue Process

For an 83-year-old seeking life insurance, the simplified issue process offers a straightforward application without needing a medical exam. These policies, such as final expense policies, typically have instant approvals with automated underwriting decisions, allowing seniors to obtain coverage quickly and easily.

Underwriting Requirements

When applying for life insurance, the insurance company evaluates the applicant’s risk of death based on age, health, and habits. Mortality rates play a significant role in this evaluation, impacting the cost of the policy. For seniors aged 83, underwriting requirements may vary depending on the type of policy chosen. Generally, policies with no medical exam have more simplified underwriting requirements.

Policy TypeMedical Exam RequiredHealth Questions Required
No Medical ExamNoSome
Medical ExamYesMore

Pre-Existing Conditions

Pre-existing health conditions can impact seniors’ availability and cost of life insurance. While some policies do not require a medical exam, they may still ask health questions as part of the application process. Seniors need to be honest about their health, as it could affect the validity of their policy.

When considering life insurance options for an 83-year-old, it is crucial to explore the different types of policies available and understand the application process regarding medical exams, underwriting requirements, and how pre-existing conditions may factor into coverage amounts and premiums.

Top Life Insurance Companies For 83-Year-Olds

Transamerica (Immediate Solution)

Transamerica offers a life insurance product called the Immediate Solution. This policy is specifically designed for seniors, including 83 years old. The plan covers final expenses, health issues, and other needs that may arise during one’s later years.

Policyholders can choose from various coverage options, with premiums based on their age and health status. This makes it easier for seniors to compare life insurance rates and find the best product for their needs.

Mutual of Omaha (Living Promise)

Mutual of Omaha’s Living Promise is another excellent option for seniors shopping for life insurance. This policy is available for those aged 45-85, making it suitable for 83-year-olds. Like Transamerica’s Immediate Solution, this policy can also be tailored based on individual health issues and desired coverage amounts.

Living Promise offers competitive life insurance rates, which can be easily compared by obtaining life insurance quotes online. Policyholders can rely on Mutual of Omaha’s long-standing reputation for providing quality life insurance products.

Aetna (Protection Series)

Finally, Aetna’s Protection Series offers life insurance plans for seniors, including 83-year-olds. These plans cover various needs, such as final expenses and health issues, enabling seniors to choose a plan that best suits their requirements.

Policyholders can also compare life insurance rates and quotes to find the most affordable and appropriate coverage. Aetna’s Protection Series is a reliable option for seniors seeking a trustworthy life insurance provider.

CompanyPolicyAge RangeFactors Considered
TransamericaImmediate Solution0-85Age, health status, coverage options
Mutual of OmahaLiving Promise45-85Age, health issues, desired coverage amount
AetnaProtection SeriesSeniorFinal expenses, health issues, requirements

All three companies mentioned above offer life insurance plans specifically tailored for seniors, including 83-year-olds. Each plan considers factors such as health issues and coverage requirements, allowing seniors to find a suitable policy based on their needs and life insurance rates.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there an age limit on purchasing life insurance?

While many life insurance providers have age limits on their policies, coverage is still available for seniors aged 83 or older. Different providers will have varying age limits, so it’s essential to research and find a company offering a policy that suits your needs.

What are the best options for life insurance for seniors?

Seniors have several life insurance options, including whole life insurance and final expense policies. Whole life insurance covers the entire life of the policyholder, while final expense policies are specifically designed to cover the costs associated with end-of-life expenses like funeral and burial costs. Some of the top life insurance companies for an 83-year-old include Mutual of Omaha, AARP/New York Life, Colonial Penn, and several others.

Do life insurance providers require medical exams for seniors?

Insurance providers often require medical exams when applying for a life insurance policy; however, many companies offer no-exam policy options for seniors. These policies typically have higher premiums than those that require an exam but offer a faster and more straightforward application process.

Are there specific policies for seniors over 80?

Yes, there are life insurance options specifically designed for seniors over 80, such as final expense policies and guaranteed issue whole life insurance policies. These policies typically have lower coverage amounts, but they can help cover end-of-life expenses and provide peace of mind for beneficiaries.

Can I purchase life insurance for an elderly parent?

Yes, you can purchase life insurance for an elderly parent if you can prove insurable interest – meaning the insured person’s death would cause financial or emotional hardship for the policy owner. It is essential to involve your parent in the application process, and they may need to answer health questions and provide consent to purchase the policy on their behalf.

How much does life insurance for an elder person typically cost?

The cost of life insurance for an older individual depends on factors such as the type of policy, the coverage amount, and the person’s age and health status. For example, healthy 80-year-old individuals can expect to pay $8 to $10 monthly for every $1,000 in coverage on a new final expense policy. Always compare quotes from different providers to find the most affordable option.

AgeMonthly Premium per $1,000 CoverageYearly Cost per $10,000 Coverage
50$2 – $3$240 – $360
80$8 – $10$960 – $1200
83+Varies by ProviderVaries by Provider

About Over 80